27mm16 Photos
A riverside scene in Varanasi, India, featuring ancient buildings, boats, and ghats along the Ganges River The area is bustling with activity, including people and various structures
A Vistara aircraft is taxiing on a runway at an airport, with trees and a body of water visible in the background
An elephant standing in a grassy area surrounded by trees and bushes
Four people sitting on a grassy area, surrounded by trees and shadows, with their shoes placed nearby
A sunset view at an airport with Cathay Pacific airplanes on the tarmac, seen through a large window
A small green lizard camouflaged among dense green foliage
A person wearing mismatched shoes, one black and one white, standing on a tiled sidewalk
Two people standing on a bridge, one holding an umbrella, with a cityscape of tall buildings in the background
A white sports car with distinctive rear lights is parked on a busy street, surrounded by other vehicles and pedestrians
A full moon against a black night sky
A person standing in the shallow water of a beach, facing the ocean with waves crashing around them
A large cargo ship illuminated with lights is seen in the background, while traditional fishing nets are silhouetted against a sunset sky in the foreground
A serene sunset over the ocean with silhouettes of boats and a glowing reflection on the water